My oldest Mississippi friend called me the day of the big snowstorm and said, “I can’t believe you are surrounded by snow.”
Owners of many retail businesses in Winslow are beginning to show signs of stress as the economy continues to slide. To cut costs, some are reorganizing and others are moving to smaller spaces. And a few have been forced to go out of business. If the trend continues, it will be difficult for many stores to get through the next few months unscathed, when business is usually slower before picking up as the weather warms. There may be an increase in empty stores come summer.
As 2008 slides into the rear-view mirror at midnight tonight, it would be wise if we all keep our eyes…
The challenging part of any ice or snow storm for road crews that don’t deal with such dilemmas on a…
This is the time of the year when islanders give and give some more, whether it’s to One Call For All, Helpline House, the Katy Warner Christmas Fund or the nonprofit entity of their choice. Garnet Logan, a Helpline House board member, offers thanks.
Officially, it’s settled: The City Council went through the formality this week of approving Winslow Way’s $12.5 million improvement project, which will launch in the spring of 2010.
One of the Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center’s busiest groups is its Well-Being Committee, and one of that group’s most popular programs is the Aging Well monthly lecture series it presents the third Wednesday of each month.
It should come as no surprise that I, like many fellow high school students, enjoy spending time on Facebook. “Spending,” however, might be an inaccurate verb here; it could be “losing,” or even “throwing away.”
Is it possible to feel nostalgic for a place you’ve never been to? And is it possible to feel empathy for members of a different species?
Obviously, there is no guarantee that hard times will spare us just because we’re doing good deeds for others. It would seem fair, but we all know the well-worn adage about life and fairness and all that. Joan and Sarah Wilt certainly expected nothing more than the inner warmth that often accompanies helping others when they became involved six years ago with the island’s Christmas Fund.
I had an introduction written, but I’m scrapping it for a word on my early morning activities. I woke at 3 a.m., for no apparent reason, and went out to check the temperature. Well, at 25 degrees , a panic came over me that I’d not done enough to winterize the cabin on our property and I knew that I’d never get back to sleep if I didn’t deal with the problem.
The City of Bainbridge Island has and will continue to respond to changing economic forecasts.