Patricia Hargreaves

Patricia Ann Hargreaves

September 8, 1936 – January 15, 2016

Patricia Ann Hargreaves passed away at the age of 79 early in the evening on Jan. 15, 2016 at the Kline-Galland Nursing Home in Seattle. She was diagnosed with lymphoma in the late summer of last year, defeated the cancer with chemotherapy over the fall, but her health failed her and she made the decision to end her days with hospice care, which the people at Kline-Galland provided with love and dignity.

Patty is survived by her three daughters, Carol Ann Folse, Mary Marko, and Patricia Ann (Pam) Nua; by her brothers Gerald Hargreaves and Robert Hargreaves; and by the grandchildren to whom she devoted herself from the very first days of their lives: Alexis Folse, Connor Folse, Kiana Nua, Malia Nua, Erica Nua, Grace Nua and Lance Nua.

Pat shared her love with her family, with her dear friends, with the many people she befriended through AA, with the children she came to know through her volunteer work at The Island School.

She was a pillar of strength. She shared far less of her struggles throughout her life, of the sacrifices she made for her daughters while she was a working single mother, of the devotion she gave to her grandchildren, and of the advice and care she extended to others in need with whom she came in contact on a daily basis.

None of us one can truly understand the fine balancing act that another person walks on the tightrope of their life — the line between desperation and joy, the demarcation between surrender and perseverance. Pat was a devoutly spiritual person, who did her best to keep her eyes on the horizon and to surmount her own troubles by giving herself to others. She left behind a legacy of caring, and she will be sorely missed.