We endorse Haugan 100 percent | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Marianne and I have known Dick Haugan and his wife Sue for more than 30 years.

To the editor:

Marianne and I have known Dick Haugan and his wife Sue for more than 30 years. We are very thrilled and excited that Dick is willing to make the effort to contribute his time and efforts to our community by running for council.

Dick has common sense, a strong work ethic, and an abiding desire to make a difference. He is the consummate family man, and wants to see our cherished island lifestyle continue on for future generations.

Contrary to the characterization his opponent made, Dick is not an angry man. His work style is cooperative and collaborative.  He has an easy going disposition and gets along with everyone. He is especially effective working with youth and seniors.  As Marianne and I saw personally, with his development and implementation of youth programs when his family was involved with operating Hyak Ski Resort on Snoqualmie Pass.

I note with interest that Dick’s opponent was quoted last week about not needing to worry about “Winslow Yesterday” in response to Dick pointing out that the city has spent $5 million (that’s $5 million of our money) on consultants on the Winslow Tomorrow project, and then not having enough money to finish the job. Ignoring the process and the people who got us into this financial bind is ignoring reality.

The first step toward fixing issues on Bainbridge is to admit there is a problem, and that is what Dick is doing.

Dick Haugan has a strong private sector business background, has owned property on the Island since the 1970s, and would bring a positive, analytical and balanced managerial approach to our city government. He is a business person who understands how organizations need to operate for short and long term success.

We endorse him 100 percent, and hope that you will have the opportunity to meet him during the campaign, and get to know him personally.

We can say with utmost confidence that Dick Haugan is just what we need on our island city council.


Bainbridge Island