SWERV has Supreme guests this week

SWERV, Savvy Women Exchanging Relevant Views, will host “Carpooling with Justices Charles Wiggins and Sheryl Gordon McCloud” from 10:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Dec. 10 at the Filipino American Hall.

SWERV, Savvy Women Exchanging Relevant Views, will host “Carpooling with Justices Charles Wiggins and Sheryl Gordon McCloud” from 10:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Dec. 10 at the Filipino American Hall.

All women are invited to attend SWERV to hear from Bainbridge Island residents and Associate Justices of the Washington State Supreme Court Wiggins and Gordon McCloud explain how cases are discussed and decided among the Supreme Court justices.

Both justices had distinguished careers as appellate lawyers prior to their election to the court. Justice Gordon McCloud’s election in 2012 made the court majority female.