Historic newspaper next week

Instead of the monthly 98110 newspaper next week, the Bainbridge Island Review will be celebrating its 100th anniversary with a special newspaper featuring highlights of its history.

The paper will feature photos of Page 1’s over the years, along with headlines from major stories. Some of the headlines are funny, and others would not be acceptable today.

See how some of the major themes of stories are the same over the years as they are today. The more things change the more they stay the same. See how some things just happening today were started decades ago.

Read about historic events, such as World War II and the internment of Japanese Americans. Watch how BI grew over the century and how different features on the island developed.

Also read features about people who played major roles with the paper over the years. And take a look at what some readers sent in regarding their favorite memories of the paper.

We at the paper hope you enjoy this look back at our history.

Steve Powell-editor