Downtown construction begins Monday morning

At last, the first day of major construction on Winslow Way begins at 5 a.m. on Monday, March 21.

The north side of the Winslow Way-Madison Avenue intersection will be closed until about mid-April and traffic will shift on Winslow Way to west-bound only.

The eastbound lane will be closed between Ericksen and Madison Avenues for much of the project and is scheduled to reopen in late June.

The contractor will begin pulverizing the asphalt on Monday in the north travel lane and the parking area between Madison and Ericksen in preparation for the sewer installation.

The sewer manhole and sewer main will be installed beginning at the Madison/Winslow intersection, continuing east towards Ericksen.

The travel lane and parking on the north side of the street will be inaccessible during this time. Parking and travel will be available on the south side of the street.

The section of Winslow Way between Ericksen Avenue and Madison Avenue is expected to be substantially complete by July 4.

The sidewalks will remain open during the majority of the construction project with the help of temporary sidewalks, ramps and bridges. The sidewalks will have to close periodically during installation of side sewer connections.

After the sewer installation, the storm drain and water main installation will follow.

Complete street closures will likely only occur at night.

Power outages are scheduled for March 22 through March 25 for 1-5 hour stints as Puget Sound Energy switches out service connections.

The work will occur on the north side of Winslow Way from Ericksen to Madrona and outages are expected to last from one to five hours.

The gravel parking lot at City Hall has been made available for general public use on weekdays and the parking limit was extended to three hours in much of the downtown retail core.

The project budget is currently on track, with federal and state grant funding the surface costs; the local improvement district (LID) funding sewer and hazardous materials abatement costs; and the water and storm and surface water funds covering respective elements of the project construction.

For construction and project information, visit, to get information about construction progress, traffic revisions and news updates.
