Bainbridge Public Library’s board of directors elects new members

Six new members have been elected to the Bainbridge Public Library board of directors.

Six new members have been elected to the Bainbridge Public Library board of directors.

A slate of officers will also lead the nonprofit’s efforts. New members and officers were elected in November and began their terms Jan. 1.

Christy Givans will serve as president and Claudia Anderson as vice president for 2015. Continuing in current positions for 2015 are Charles Browne, treasurer, and Nancy Taylor, secretary.

The six new board members are expected to serve two three-year terms to further the mission of ensuring a vibrant community space dedicated to the joy of reading, the discovery of ideas, and the power of information by owning, operating and maintaining the library building and grounds.

The new board members are Karen Gerstenberger, Caryl Grosch, Chris Hoag, Tom McCloskey, Nancy Pearson and Eric Petersen.