Bainbridge Police Blotter | Dec. 18

Bainbridge Police reported the following incidents:

Dec. 10

1:10 a.m. Police arrested a woman after an officer noticed her driving erratically.

The officer was driving behind the woman when she began swerving both right and left within her lane. The woman crossed the center line into oncoming traffic as well.

The officer noticed she had difficulty maintaining her speed. The officer pulled the female driver over and immediately smelled alcohol coming from the car. Her eyes were bloodshot and droopy.

When the officer asked if she had been drinking, she replied, “Yes, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten in the car.”

The officer then administered several sobriety tests. After witnessing the woman struggle with the tests, the officer arrested her for driving under the influence. She was unable to produce a proper blood-alcohol content reading and was taken to Kitsap County Jail on $5,000 bail.

Dec. 12

7:44 a.m. Police located and arrested a man who assaulted his girlfriend, who had filed a no-contact order against him.

The woman told police the man had punched her in the stomach. She said she had a pre-existing back injury, which was aggravated when the man threw her to the floor. Police offered to have a medic examine her, but she declined.

The woman explained to the officer that she filed a no-contact order against the man but invited him over anyway. She knew she shouldn’t have done it, but she said she is stuck in a “cycle of domestic violence,” which caused her to do it.

She said the incident started as an argument over their relationship. She said he became angry, punched her in the stomach and threw her on the floor. She tried to call 911, but the man removed the batteries from the phone.

Early the next morning, while they were asleep, the woman asked him to move so she could have more room. She then said something she didn’t recall to him, which made him angry. He again threw her to the floor and pinned her down. He demanded the two of them “talk this out,” which the woman agreed to. During the talk, the man again became angry and the woman called 911 on her cell phone.

The man left after that.

Officers found his vehicle in the Safeway parking lot. After searching numerous businesses, officers found him at McDonalds. He told officers he understood why they were there and agreed to speak with them.

The man told police he was invited to come to the woman’s house the previous morning. He said she became upset about their relationship and threatened to call 911 if he didn’t show more of a commitment.

He said they both went to bed at 11 p.m. that night, and he woke up at 4:30 a.m. to feed the cat. When he returned to bed, the woman asked him to move over. He said he would just go sleep in another room. He said that caused the woman to start screaming at him about his lack of commitment.

The man said he left after that. He denied hurting the woman and told police she was making it all up. Officers arrested the man for violating the no-contact order. A deputy prosecutor advised police to add an assault charge, and interfering with domestic violence to the charges.

A couple hours later, the woman called 911 to see if the man had been located. When police told her about the accusations the man made about her injuries being fake, the woman became angry and questioned why she ever thought he could change.