Bainbridge blotter | The Devil advertises on craigslist

Selected reports from the Bainbridge Island Police Department blotter.

Selected reports from the Bainbridge Island Police Department blotter.

Monday, May 27

11:47 p.m. A resident on Skogen Lane reported that someone opened the door to the home late at night, but did not enter the home. A daughter at the home heard someone drive up and drive away. The family dog also barked.

Wednesday, May 29

10:15 a.m. A man reported that four tires were stolen off a vehicle in a South Beach Drive parking lot. The car was left standing on concrete blocks.

Friday, May 31

12:48 a.m. Police pulled over a car at the Agate Pass Bridge after observing the driver swerving and going over the fog line. The driver failed roadside sobriety tests and breath tests showed a .104 blood alcohol level. The driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Later breath tests at the Kitsap County Jail showed blood alcohol levels of .061 and .063.

8:10 p.m. Police were called for an “inappropriate and explicit” picture spray painted on High School Road. Officers found graffiti sprayed on the road stating “2013 Hoover” accompanied by a 10-foot-long graphic depiction of male genitalia. The city’s public works department was called to wash it off the street.

Saturday, June 1

12:17 p.m. An island woman called police after she saw a disturbing craigslist ad. The ad was placed under the “baby and kids” section on the website and was titled “The Devil $10,000.” The ad had a picture of Jesus Christ arm wrestling with the devil and said, “I’m taking contributions at this time, please tell everyone. You can make your contribution in person so you know it’s ‘me.’” The address in the ad was for a home on Eagle Harbor Drive.