Bainbridge blotter | Holes of mystery

Selected reports from the Bainbridge Island Police Department blotter.


2:58 a.m. Officers on foot patrol on Winslow Way heard an alarm coming from the Shirvan Rug Gallery.

An officer checked the front door and found the doors were locked. Police noticed signs of someone who had walked through the grass and weeds on the west side of the building leading to an alleyway.

An officer saw a small window on that side of the building was cracked and a piece of glass had fallen into the building. The hole was too small for a person to get through.

An officer left a voicemail for the owner of the building about the discovery.

While inspecting the exteriors of the surrounding buildings for possible surveillance cameras, police found several other windows had small holes in them. An officer determined the holes could have come from malicious mischief, an attempted burglary or other suspicious circumstances.

The owner of the gallery said her alarm company had found a suspicious person on video near the front of the store.

Police increased patrols in the downtown.