Registration starts soon for Field’s End fall classes

Registration opens Aug. 1 for three Field’s End fall classes that focus on writing fantasy, revising writing and scene structure.

Registration opens Aug. 1 for three Field’s End fall classes that focus on writing fantasy, revising writing and scene structure.

“Writing Fantasy: The Rules of Magic,” with instructor Janet Lee Carey, is set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 16.

A maximum of 20 students will be admitted to this class where the rules of writing fantasy fiction will be explored. The class is designed for anyone already writing fantasy or interested in trying, and is structured as an interactive workshop with world building, plot and character relationship, mythical story sources and more.

Carey, raised in the redwood forests of California where she dreamed of magic worlds, is the award-winning author of eight young-adult novels including “Dragonswood” (Kirkus Reviews and School Library Journal starred reviews).

Tuition is $80.

“Deep Revision,” with instructor Waverly Fitzgerald, is set for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 17 and 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15 and 22. The class is for writers who already have produced a rough draft, and will give students the opportunity to revise and polish an essay, short story or book manuscript.

Beginning with an overview, examining themes and structure, the class will then focus on the dynamics of each scene or chapter, the shape of each paragraph, and the efficacy of each sentence. Publication strategies will be explored. The goal is to have a piece ready to submit or, for longer works, a plan for completion.

Fitzgerald has been teaching writing since her first novel was published in 1977. She has written four historical novels, a family history and a nonfiction book (“Slow Time”). With coauthor Curt Colbert, she wrote “Dial C for Chihuahua,” the first in a series of humorous mystery novels due in October.

Tuition is $240. Class size is limited to 15.

The third class in the fall series is “Scene Structure: How to Build a Novel One Plank at a Time,” with instructor James Thayer.

The class is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 17, and the course will review techniques for creating scenes, including how to start one and how to end it, the essential pattern of almost all scenes, ways to obtain maximum effect from scenes, and how to avoid prospect-killing mistakes.

Thayer is the author of 13 critically acclaimed novels and a writers’ manual, “The Essential Guide to Writing a Novel.” He is a fiction-writing instructor at the University of Washington extension program.

Class size is limited to 24 students, and tuition is $100.

All three classes will be held in the meeting room of the Bainbridge Public Library, 1270 Madison Ave.

Registration forms will be available at the library, at Eagle Harbor Book Company (157 Winslow Way East) and online at

Field’s End, an affiliate of the Bainbridge Public Library Board, offers workshops, classes and an annual conference focusing on the art, craft and profession of writing.