Ranger and the ‘Re-Arrangers’ to perform at free gypsy jazz concert

Ranger and the “Re-Arrangers” will play at a gypsy jazz concert with Eric Bogart at 7 p.m. Friday, April 14 in the auditorium at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. Bogart recently arrived from Miami where he led the gypsy swing group, “Le Jazz Hot.”

He played for many years with Frank Vignola and toured with the John Jorgensen Quintet. He has a high-energy style with syncopated, percussive leads, and dramatic flourishes on rhythm.

The concert will feature music from Ranger and the “Re-Arrangers” repertoire of swing standards and traditional gypsy melodies.

Admission is free; donations will be accepted.

Space is limited, reservations are highly recommended at info@RangerSwings.com.