Close to Home | By Joel Sackett

I arrived ready for a large family portrait session. It was that and much more.

I arrived ready for a large family portrait session.  It was that and much more.

Gidsken Nekolina Bjorge McCormic was born on September 3, 1913, which made her 100 years old last Tuesday.  Her family celebrated at the Port Madison home of her son Bob and his wife Anina McCormic.

“Many of our family traditions reflect mother’s Norwegian heritage including the “kransekake” her daughter-in-law, Anina made for her 100th birthday celebration.  The almond flavored tower of 36 separate rings was extra tall to commemorate this special day”, said her daughter Karen Beierle.

Gidsken’s great-grand children, (7 of the 9), took great care to balance the birthday kransekake as they brought it from the kitchen to their Mor Mor, (Mother’s Mother in Norwegian), sitting with the rest of the family in the garden.