Bainbridge Islanders take a polar plunge | Slideshow

A group of dauntless islanders took a chilly plunge into Rich Passage off Lytle Beach on New Year's day. Review staff photographer Brad Camp was there to capture the event.

A group of dauntless islanders took a chilly plunge into Rich Passage off Lytle Beach on New Year’s day. Review staff photographer Brad Camp was there to capture the event.

Photos: At 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Lytle Beach was barren. By 11:45, more than 80 residents had gathered for the annual noon New Year’s day dip.

Martha Pyne and Amanda Horike walk the road with towels in hand.

Chris Lum and Caitlin Kiley jump right back out of the 50-degree water.

Daniel Nathan, 10, tries to warm up after his plunge.