Your mothers would be very disappointed | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: This letter is intended to notify the thief or thieves who have been coming into the Mobile Home Park and stealing our garden art and tools that the police are aware of this.

To the editor:

This letter is intended to notify the thief or thieves who have been coming into the Mobile Home Park and stealing our garden art and tools that the police are aware of this.

The residents have been alerted and will call 911 whenever they see something suspicious happening. A police report has been made and we are willing to take action if you are ever caught.

Nothing you have taken has much dollar value but it does mean a lot to the residents that you have stolen from. We are a unique community. Ten years ago we fought very hard to buy this park and recently fought equally hard to secure a HUD Loan.

We may be old, many of us may be living on Social Security, some of us are very ill, some us work hard on our gardens, some of us have very small families but WE ALL love our community and take pride in our ownership and are upset that you think you have the right to come into our space and steal our treasures. How about you consider taking that stolen wheelbarrow and fill it with the stolen flamingos, the stolen goose, the stolen gnomes and other items that you felt was okay to take and sneak into the park and leave it at the south entrance and we will put these items where they belong.

Your mothers would be very disappointed in your actions.

Shame on you!


Mobile Home Park Manager