Vote for Drew Hansen and the common good | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Fortunately Kitsap voters have a clear choice this year in the 23rd District. You can vote for job creation, social justice, and equality or, impediments to progress and prejudice.

To the editor:

Fortunately Kitsap voters have a clear choice this year in the 23rd District. You can vote for job creation, social justice, and equality or, impediments to progress and prejudice.

Rep. Drew Hansen, 23rd State District, has a proven record, especially for job creation. His HB 2502, removing a tax barrier to job creation; HB 2747, improving job training for firefighters; and HB 2503, giving veterans and National Guard help in training for new careers — the first two of which are now law — and the successful passage of the 2012 Jobs Now Act, which will create tens of thousands of jobs by tackling a decades-long backlog of capital projects (repairing schools, maintaining water infrastructure and more).

Clearly he is doing his job.

His recently announced Republican opponent has been flooding the local papers with letters hoping for more county name recognition for he is well-known locally.

His “far right” views and, his opposition to Bainbridge High School history curriculum and unsuccessful derailing of the Japanese-American Memorial are not easily forgotten.  Obviously, people that really know him choose not to vote for him.

For example, in the last election he was soundly defeated, even in his own precinct (510 to 174).

So, the choice is yours. Vote for the common good or the party of “NO.”  Whatever your choice, please vote.


Bainbridge Island