Veteran’s Day brings the best out of people | Letters | Dec. 2

Thank you, Robbie Sitzman, for the Veteran’s Day letter (“Veteran’s Day ignored,” Nov. 18).

Thank you, Robbie Sitzman, for the Veteran’s Day letter (“Veteran’s Day ignored,” Nov. 18).

The Bremerton area Veteran’s Day is held at the County Fair Pavilion. I represented the Nisei Veterans Organization at Washington State’s largest Veteran’s Day program.

We had over a thousand in attendance as we have every year. The program is always full of VIPs and speakers. Each year the program is directed by both retired U.S. Navy Capts. Sandra and Earle Smith.

After returning from this Veteran’s Day program, Rosie and I briefly stopped at a market to do some shopping where a young and beautiful lady shook my 89-year-old hand.

She had many kind words of thanks for serving our country and expressing all of her gratitude she had for my volunteering, etc.

I believe that kind and thoughtful person was you, Robbie. If it was not, then there are more than one very nice Robbie types on this island.

John Fujinari, Bainbridge Island