Vancil, Lester will support culture | Letters | Oct. 23

As a local artist, I would like to take a moment to express my support of Debbie Vancil and Debbi Lester. Each comes with diverse life experiences yet both have championed the well being of the arts and humanities on the island in their own unique way.

As an incumbent, Vancil is an experienced council member who works with honesty, fairness and awareness to the fiscal responsibility of cultural growth.

Debbi Lester is thoughtful, intelligent, articulate and knowledgeable of the inner workings of art organizations from a broad perspective regionally, enhancing her insight locally.

Debbi Lester’s and Debbie Vancil’s support of arts and humanities will help nurture Bainbridge Island’s ability to stay at the forefront of the arts in education on the state level as well as within our community. They will see to it that we keep in place the city’s valuable commitment to arts and culture.

They will be watchful and protective of arts and culture on Bainbridge in a viable and responsible way.

Diane Bonciolini

Bainbridge Island