Too warm? Don’t worry, be happy | Letters | March 20


World temps have not risen since 1998 and are now just 0.1 degree centigrade over 1900 levels. Arctic ice is back to the 1979 level (University of Illinois).

Hurricanes continue at their 30-year low (Florida State University). Polar bear populations are expanding.

Remember, the best of times were during the Medieval Warm Period. Temperatures were three degrees centigrade warmer, the Romans were growing wine grapes in Britain and the Vikings were farming Greenland.

If it just warms up a little, we can expand farming into northern Canada, increase the world food supply, and Seattleites won’t have to wear wool socks with their sandals.

No amount of carbon taxes will stop the sun cycles, cosmic winds and the Earth’s precession, so don’t worry, be happy.

Gary Tripp