Too many people, too few resources | Letters | Nov. 20

I did a web search looking to see if any local clinics have the H1N1 flu vaccine available: Virginia Mason Winslow and The Doctor’s Clinic don’t have it; Bainbridge Pediatrics has it, but for their established patients only.

I have no idea how Bainbridge Pediatrics managed to get the vaccine, but shouldn’t it be used for the high-risk groups first, such as kids with chronic health problems and pregnant women.

This situation strikes me as an example of overpopulation at work: too many people and too few resources, whether they are clean water, electricity, or H1N1 vaccine. Let’s hope that our species finds a way to limit its numbers voluntarily so famine and diseases such as H1N1 don’t do it for us.

Sarah Pearl, Barry Sacks

Bainbridge Island