Three things inform our vote | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: My wife Ela and I have known Val Tollefson for many years and when he indicated he was interested in running for a place on our city council, I was very pleased

To the editor:

My wife Ela and I have known Val Tollefson for many years and when he indicated he was interested in running for a place on our city council, I was very pleased.

There are three things about Val that I think make him an excellent choice. He has a long history of making meaningful contributions to our quality of life here on Bainbridge like his important role in Pritchard Park and the Japanese Internment Memorial.

He also has an excellent voting record, which shows me that he cares deeply about participation, not just running for office.

I think the participation in elections says a lot about who really cares about their community.

The other quality that is so valuable is that he is wise and a very good listener. He is not a single issue candidate who wants to dredge up issues we dealt with and resolved after much citizen input.

Ela and I would like to encourage our fellow islanders to put this outstanding leader on our city council.


Bainbridge Island