Streissguth understands our community’s needs | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Linda Streissguth is currently running for election as Kitsap County Commissioner.

To the editor:

Linda Streissguth is currently running for election as Kitsap County Commissioner.

Linda was the former manager of Community Engagement & Government Relations for Puget Sound Energy, and a key partner and supporter of Bainbridge Island Downtown Association, particularly during some of our most critical times during recent years. Linda stood by BIDA during the precarious time in 2010 when we lost our city funding, providing grant and sponsorship money that was key to Holiday Lights and some other key programming.

Linda worked with community leaders and citizens, listening to our concerns, and identified solutions for the capacity and reliability issues of electric power, resulting in the RePower Bainbridge project.

And, Linda eventually helped move PSE into a role as one of our consistent B&O Main Street Tax Incentive partners, a move that took more than seven years of advocacy and patience on Linda’s part with Puget Sound Energy.

Linda understands the needs and concerns of small businesses, and cares deeply about our community. Her relationship with Bainbridge Island is about us as people, not just policy. As one of the most dynamic communities in our county, that relationship with Linda will continue to be vital to our role as the “bridge” between the east and west Sound.

As the final month of the campaign season approaches, I hope you will join me in supporting Linda Streissguth to remain one of our Kitsap County commissioners.


Bainbridge Island