Streissguth has a vision for the future | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I recommend voters mark their ballots to retain Linda Streissguth as our Kitsap County Commissioner.

To the editor:

I recommend voters mark their ballots to retain Linda Streissguth as our Kitsap County Commissioner.

For 40 years I have been active in elected and appointed positions in local government.  I have seen many commissioners come and go. I have strong opinions about the personal and professional attributes it takes to make a good commissioner.  Linda has the knowledge, skills and passion to be a great commissioner.

I chose passion as a descriptor for Linda because her dedication to the welfare of our community and its citizens runs deeply through every action I watched her take over the years we served together as Bremerton Housing Authority Commissioners. It may sound trite to say “she cares,” but she does and backs it up with hard work, empathy and making well reasoned decisions. She shares, she listens, she collaborates, and is the first to give other administrators and staff credit for success.  All of these traits are critically important to work effectively in our complicated county government structure.

Linda has the most important trait that moves the needle from good to great. She has vision. She can listen to community opinion, articulate a vision for the future, devise a path forward, and lead.

Linda can be trusted with our future. She deserves your vote.

