Spence seeks out all sides on issues | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I would like to join the many islanders who have spoken out in favor of school board candidate Mike Spence.

To the editor:

I would like to join the many islanders who have spoken out in favor of school board candidate Mike Spence.

I am in agreement with the oft-repeated descriptions of Mike’s great communication skills and open door policy, his focus on innovation, efficiency, improvements and results.

However, in the last several years working on PTO Coordinating Council, I would have to say I am most impressed with Mike’s ability to seek out all sides to a controversy, and approach issues with a degree of clarity and balance that is very uncommon. He is a great problem solver. He leads without a personal agenda or ego getting in the way, keeping the well-being of our children and their teachers as the top priority. He is a gifted collaborator and a team player who knows how to get the job done well.

I hope you will join me in voting for Mike Spence for school board.


Bainbridge Island