Smith is the best choice for assessor | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve the citizens of Kitsap County for almost 16 years as your elected county assessor.

To the editor:

It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve the citizens of Kitsap County for almost 16 years as your elected county assessor.

I am very fortunate to work with a very dedicated group of talented professionals in our office. We honestly get more done with less than anywhere else in the state. As I prepare for retirement at the end of this term it is important to me who the next assessor is.

It is good to know that there are four fine individuals vying for my job. All of them have taken the time to introduce themselves to me and learn about the job.

In my humble opinion one of them stands out above the others. Sean Smith simply has the best resume for the job. His education, plus his management, business and real estate experience make him a perfect candidate to be your next assessor.

I know Sean as a fellow Rotarian and as a business client. He will be a great assessor for many years to come.

I recommend a vote for Sean Smith in the upcoming Primary Election.


Port Orchard