Retain Peterson as county clerk | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Two candidates are running for Kitsap County Clerk.

To the editor:

Two candidates are running for Kitsap County Clerk.

Dave Peterson is our present county clerk and has been for many years. He’s doing an outstanding job and deserves re-election.

His job is about keeping the Superior Court’s records and carefully following all state laws, rules and regulations.

His opponent has apparently decided a massive sign campaign placing signs in every ditch and roadway is a good way to endear himself to our community and get your vote. Unfortunately, this gentleman who wants the job of following all the laws, rules and regulations has violated one of the main Public Disclosure Commission regulations concerning campaign signs: You cannot say you are the county clerk if you are not. Dave’s opponent says he is the county clerk on his signs. If you do not presently hold the office for which you are running, you must either say “Elect John Doe County Clerk” or “John Doe for County Clerk” on the sign.

This might not seem like a big thing but remember the Devil is in the details, and in the clerk’s cffice, accuracy and attention to detail are critical for the integrity of your court records and our law and justice system.

