Proposed shoreline plan is much too severe | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I hope all Islanders, no matter how far from the shoreline we live, will join me in letting our city council know how concerned we are about the excessive severity of the proposed new Shoreline Management Plan as it now stands.

To the editor:

I hope all Islanders, no matter how far from the shoreline we live, will join me in letting our city council know how concerned we are about the excessive severity of the proposed new Shoreline Management Plan as it now stands.

This plan currently defines every shoreline property on the island as “non-conforming” and designates over 40 percent of the shoreline homes as being located in a “Residential Aquatic Conservancy” location that does not allow the owners “water dependent uses” such as docks.

This plan overreaches the perimeters for waterfront property management set by both Kitsap County and Poulsbo.

To paraphrase Martin Niemoller:

“First they took away the rights of waterfront property owners to make fair use of their land,

and I didn’t speak out because

I wasn’t a waterfront property owner.

Then they took away the rights of Winslow water utility users to have KPUD fairly manage their water system,

and I didn’t speak out because

I wasn’t on the Winslow water system.

Then they took away the rights to cut down a tree over 6 inches in diameter,

and I didn’t speak out because

I didn’t own any big trees.

And then they took away MY property rights,

and there was no one left to speak for me.”


Grow Avenue