Please remember this debacle at election time | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: The continued push by our clueless city council to send Puget Sound Energy packing for an island-run power company demonstrates two things: a lack of business acumen and fiduciary responsibility.

To the editor:

The continued push by our clueless city council to send Puget Sound Energy packing for an island-run power company demonstrates two things: a lack of business acumen and fiduciary responsibility.

An equally or more egregious show of disdain for common sense and reality is the spending of $100,000 to prove their leadership is anything but.

And when the results are in from the study, don’t think for one second they won’t attempt to manipulate the information for their self-serving benefit and to try and shove this bad idea down our throats like they did with the Bainbridge Island logo debacle and the ill-advised police station location on contaminated land.

God forbid they used $100,000 dollars to properly fix some of the roads around here that are like driving on a giant cheese grater.

We need to vote the people behind this out of office in order to protect our community from further acts of self-important dealings.


Bainbridge Island