Plastic wristbands a costly incentive | Letters | Sept. 25

So, I’m asked to donate to One Call for All (which I faithfully do each year), and in exchange I will be given a bright red plastic wristband.

Let’s deconstruct this small and seemingly innocent act of advertising: oil to make the wristband is pumped in the Middle East (that joyful, conflict-free region), shipped to China (with more oil for transportation), manufactured into wristbands (more energy), and shipped to the U.S. (yes, another carbon footprint).

Here, it may be worn for a while, then tossed in the trash (since its not recyclable or biodegradable), and contribute to a landfill. If I were to ask if the hardworking organizers of One Call for All wanted to contribute to global tensions around oil, add to our trade deficit with China, contribute to unnecessary carbon footprints and add to landfills, they would cringe with a united “NO!”

Petty? Maybe, but multiply this by the numbers of organizations throughout the nation giving away useless items in exchange for donations, using wristbands for advertising good deeds, and you get the point.

Will I donate this year to One Call for All? Probably, with a note requesting that my money be used for something other than wristbands.

Janice Harris

Henderson Road