Perry will bring a fresh perspective | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I am writing in support of Dale Perry for Bainbridge Island School Board.

To the editor:

I am writing in support of Dale Perry for Bainbridge Island School Board.

Having known Dale for four years and had the opportunity to work with him on the board of our neighborhood association, I believe that Dale has the depth of knowledge, experience and vision to contribute meaningfully and effectively to the Bainbridge Island School District.

As the president of our community association, Dale has demonstrated strong leadership skills, dedicating numerous hours to working with others on a variety of tough issues. He embodies a sense of purposeful involvement and personal commitment to public service that combined with his global professional experience, educational background and positive nature uniquely qualify Dale as a candidate for our school board.

Like Dale, I am the parent of three school-aged children, and one of many who relocated to the island partly based on the quality of our schools. Strong schools are the cornerstone of a strong community and the most valuable investment we make in the future. I believe Dale provides a fresh and informed perspective and represents the best option for our community as we move forward to face the educational discussions ahead of us.


Wing Point