Now what? Or, another waste of tax dollars | Letters | Feb. 17

What prompted the new “no parking” signs posted every 50 feet apart or so, up rural Madison Avenue Tuesday morning?

What prompted the new “no parking” signs posted every 50 feet apart or so, up rural Madison Avenue Tuesday morning?

Maybe, a couple of irate bicyclists that had to go around a car parked in the non-motorized path (rare)? Maybe it was caused by a neighborhood rummage sale, activity at the Grange, or a family gathering resulting in an unusual overrun of street parking (rare)?

These signs are not appropriate, necessary, or in character with the neighborhood.

Neighborhoods should have rights too. After all, property owner taxes help pay for road improvements, motor vehicle taxes help pay for road improvements, bicyclists taxes help pay for…oh, yah, they don’t pay taxes, they just have squeaky wheels. Again, these signs are not appropriate, necessary, or in character with the neighborhood.

I would like a public response from the City to the following: Cost of the signs, cost to install them. Why were they installed and the need to install so many? Why was this so important that it took priority over other projects? By the way, we are a neighborhood, not just a pass through for bicyclists and motorists.

My recommendation is to take the signs down, use your common sense, be respectful to the neighborhood and all who journey through. Spend city money more appropriately.

By the way, I will not be writing letters or attending City Council meetings in this regard. I do not represent an organization with an agenda. I am not a person with political aspirations. I just live on the street.

D. Nelson

Bainbridge Island