Local bakery helps inspire young artists | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: On behalf of the fourth-graders at Wilkes Elementary School, I would like to thank Jeff Shepard and Heidi Umphenour of Blackbird Bakery for inviting our students to display their artwork at the bakery in April and May.

To the editor:

On behalf of the fourth-graders at Wilkes Elementary School, I would like to thank Jeff Shepard and Heidi Umphenour of Blackbird Bakery for inviting our students to display their artwork at the bakery in April and May.

The students created chalk pastel drawings of cakes in the style of the pop artist Wayne Theibold, and are extremely grateful for this opportunity.

Nothing could encourage these young artists more than to have their work on view for the whole community to see. How fortunate we are to live in a place where local businesses like Blackbird Bakery inspire even their youngest citizens to develop their creativity.


Art Teacher, Wilkes Elementary School