Leadership requires reflection, character | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: This year has been an interesting year to be a spectator in the political arena, witnessing the distraction which — too often — has diverted attention from issues that matter in our everyday lives. I have watched as political discourse has had an angry edge, and, at times, has been disrespectful of those who serve our citizens.

To the editor:

This year has been an interesting year to be a spectator in the political arena, witnessing the distraction which — too often — has diverted attention from issues that matter in our everyday lives. I have watched as political discourse has had an angry edge, and, at times, has been disrespectful of those who serve our citizens.

True leadership takes collaboration, a willingness to listen to all viewpoints, and patience to do the hard work of outreach to voices that often aren’t heard. It takes thoughtful, deliberate decision making based upon facts and citizen input. And, it takes character and integrity to look for solutions and compromise when differing viewpoints cannot be reconciled.

From my personal experience working with Commissioner Garrido — she is that kind of leader. She deserves respect and appreciation for her dedication to public service. She has earned our vote for the work she has done on behalf of Kitsap County citizens. I urge you to join me in supporting her reelection to the Board of County Commissioners.

