Keenan values citizen’s needs | Letters | Oct. 14

I urge all of you to vote for Melanie Keenan for City Council. Melanie is a brilliant, yet genuinely engaging woman who understands how our city government should work. She strongly supports the direction the council is taking to get our financial situation under control.

I urge all of you to vote for Melanie Keenan for City Council. Melanie is a brilliant, yet genuinely engaging woman who understands how our city government should work. She strongly supports the direction the council is taking to get our financial situation under control.

Melanie worked on the agriculture section of the Land Use Code Update, so she can hit the ground running when it comes to drafting legislation that will protect our environment, farmers and small businesses.

Her scientific background gives her the expertise we need to address toxic wastes, protect our ground water resources, and ensure that city projects are done in the most cost effective manner. She takes a strong stand on transparency in government.

Finally, note that her opponent is supported by previous administrations who want to stay in control of our city government. Melanie, by contrast, will be the type of representative we desperately need on the council to ensure that our city moves forward, becomes more financially efficient and stays open to citizen needs.

Debbie Vann

Former council member