Heimlich Maneuver free with a Christmas tree | Letters | Dec. 16

The Boy Scouts of Troop 1565 (meets at Bethany Lutheran Church), led by Scoutmaster David Roberts, would like to sincerely thank the great community of Bainbridge Island for supporting them in their efforts to sell as many gorgeous Christmas trees as possible.

Boy Scouts

Heimlich Maneuver free with a Christmas tree

The Boy Scouts of Troop 1565 (meets at Bethany Lutheran Church), led by Scoutmaster David Roberts, would like to sincerely thank the great community of Bainbridge Island for supporting them in their efforts to sell as many gorgeous Christmas trees as possible.

The scouts have been blessed this year with hundreds of beautiful trees and the sales and donations have reached record amounts, for which we are truly thankful.

The season is just starting to heat up and we have several hundred wonderful trees to offer so come get them as soon as you can. This season, Troop 1565 scouts have learned so much; salesmanship, product-knowledge, customer relations, knot-tying, and even life-saving.

Nick Allen, our senior patrol leader, delivered a perfect Heimlich Maneuver to a woman who drove into the lot honking her horn, with a piece of candy lodged in her throat. Heimlich applied and out it came! Good job, Nick.

We scouts have been accorded the best customers over the past years, and we can’t thank you enough for your support. If you are still hunting for that perfect Christmas tree, we have it. Come and get it. We are open until Dec. 21, though I really wouldn’t advise waiting that long.

Bill Davis, assistant scoutmaster

Troop 1565 out of Bethany Lutheran Church