Flood is an exceptional choice for Kitsap County District Court Judge | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: As the chairman of the Washington State Veterans Bar Association, I am pleased to announce that our organization endorses Tracy Flood for judge.

To the editor:

As the chairman of the Washington State Veterans Bar Association, I am pleased to announce that our organization endorses Tracy Flood for judge.

Unfortunately, after over a decade of war, our service members and veterans have found themselves increasingly involved in the Kitsap County District Court system. Kitsap County needs a judge with the skills and ability to understand the unique challenges that service members and veterans face in our legal system.

The United States Navy is currently Kitsap County’s largest employer yet none of the county’s four district court judges has ever served in the military.

Flood served in the United States Navy from 1986-1990. She attended “A School,” was a member of the Navy Color Guard, received letters of commendations, and ultimately an honorable discharge for her service. She brings with her years of experience that will serve the court and the community well.

Judicial elections rarely get much attention, but they matter. Having a judge with military experience on this court matters now more than ever.

I encourage voters to elect Tracy Flood as the next Kitsap County District Court Judge, Position 1.


Washington State Veterans Bar Association