Don’t take advice from former council member | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I hope Mr. Ward will find someone other than Debbie Vann for advice, on any subject related to city hall, especially in the use of outside attorneys.

To the editor:

I hope Mr. Ward will find someone other than Debbie Vann for advice, on any subject related to city hall, especially in the use of outside attorneys.

Her “fond memory” of any council member being able to hire a contract attorney left us, the city, with outrageous legal fees and a great deal of council confusion. She was a significant influence in causing us to vote overwhelmingly for the current city manager form of government because of the reckless behavior of prior councils and mayor. Her tenure on the council nearly bankrupted the city so I am somewhat mystified that she feels she’s a spokesperson for proper city governance.

Mr. Ward and others acted in error if not illegally in contracting outside attorneys. That anyone thinks we, as city taxpayers, should pay the bill for their misguided actions is wrong.

I also feel the editor of the Bainbridge Review is courageous for his willingness to print that which is logical and sensible without regard to whose view it seems to support. I also believe Mr. McKenna should apologize because as you say “residents of all political stripes have the right to ask questions — and expect straightforward answers.” I just may renew my subscription.


Bainbridge Island