Dettmer, Lynch for BI fire board | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: The board of commissioners for the Bainbridge Island Fire Department is a management and oversight group and as such, the members of the commission should be experienced and capable in this function.

To the editor:

The board of commissioners for the Bainbridge Island Fire Department is a management and oversight group and as such, the members of the commission should be experienced and capable in this function.

While there is no doubt value in having knowledge of the unique issues associated with fire department activities, principally, individuals in this function must be skilled in navigating complexities and competing priorities to arrive at solutions that benefit the community as whole.

Teri Dettmer and David Lynch have the right skills and the right motivations. They have had successful, professional careers that required them to work as team members to accomplish goals. They understand the value of getting input and using data in decision making. In addition, they are both running for this role because they believe that they can help support and strengthen the department to the benefit of all islanders.

They aren’t career firefighters, they are involved citizens with the desire and, importantly, the capabilities to serve. They both deserve our support.


Bainbridge Island