Credit union closing inspires poem | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It’s a Wonderful Life!

To the editor:

It’s a Wonderful Life!

How wonderful in this season when wonder fills the air,

to visit Kitsap Credit Union’s web site, and ponder there

How grand KCU “… is passionate about community service”

(to Kitsap . . . Jefferson and Pierce, too, at least on the surface).

Then comes by USPO, a KCU CEO’s holiday greeting!

Warmed by the hearth, the mail we begin reading.


“It’s A Wonderful Life,” on TV is, yet again, playing;

and Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey is dramatically displaying,

that Bedford Falls’ Bailey Building & Loan, same as KCU,

“… is passionate about community service,” too!

As Bailey tells greedy Potter, “The Building & Loan is not for sale!”

We open a few cards . . . and the merry holidays’ KCU mail.


We remember how Depression-era folks pulled together

in the same spirit as in 2008’s stormy financial weather.

And what seasonal greeting now from KCU is this –

A New Year well-wish for happiness or “passionate service” bliss?

“We’re closing your Credit Union branch. But don’t be distraught!

We will find a place to leave you all an ATM robot!


With much Gratitude for our branch staff,

Yet regrettably,


Island Center