Claim of ‘greener’ power is laughable | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: While the probable costs plus loss of a professional-in-charge are reasons enough to reject a proposal that our city take over Puget Sound Energy’s island operations, Island Power’s suggestion that a city-run utility would be “greener” is laughably specious.

To the editor:

While the probable costs plus loss of a professional-in-charge are reasons enough to reject a proposal that our city take over Puget Sound Energy’s  island operations, Island Power’s suggestion that a city-run utility would be “greener” is laughably specious.

Unless the city intends to build a wind or solar farm or buy or build a dam to source green power, the city’s electricity fuel mix would track those of PSE.

PSE’s 2014 Electricity Fuel Mix included hydroelectric, 36 percent; coal, 35 percent; natural gas, 24 percent; wind, 3 percent; nuclear, 1 percent; and other, 1 percent. [Note a required statewide phase-out of coal over the next decade.]


PSE is the nation’s second-largest utility owner/operator of wind power, with more wind power than every other public utility in our state combined.

PSE operates the state’s largest solar array and has more than 4,000 customers, including many islanders, with grid-connected solar at home.

PSE offers energy efficiency programs, including rebates for LED lighting, insulation, heat pumps, water heaters and electric vehicle chargers, as well as energy analysis support.

Plus, the city and 11 percent of island households have already signed up for PSE’s “Green Power” option, which provides a carbon-free power choice for a few dollars a month.

It’s NOT PSE that has their head in the sand! PSE has been as “green” as it can be while complying with a state law requirement to provide energy at the lowest possible prices.

Too much is at stake – escalating rates, an earthquake. My choice is the proven professional — PSE.


Bainbridge Island