Buetow has our trust and our votes | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: We’ve known and respected Arlene Buetow since 1997.

To the editor:

We’ve known and respected Arlene Buetow since 1997. We, and all voters in the Central Ward, are in debt to Arlene for her four years of volunteer service on the city Utility Advisory Committee. Arlene brought years of experience running a private water utility to bear in highlighting the unfairness and exorbitant rates that the city had been charging its utility customers. Arlene remained resolute in her defense of the rights of all ratepayers. Since then, she has endured personal attacks by a very vocal minority who appear threatened by her willingness to ask the tough questions.

Arlene’s expertise and community service have made a substantive difference. Our water utility rates are now down by 60 percent. We’re optimistic that with Arlene as our council representative we can count on positive improvements to our sewer and stormwater utility bills as well.

Voting Arlene onto city council will make a positive difference. Arlene’s priorities are to work for the interests of the entire island with skilled oversight of municipal budgets, fixing our roads, and efforts to restore a sense of safety and security to our island.

We enthusiastically support Arlene Buetow for the Bainbridge Island City Council with full confidence that she has the skills and ability to represent the values and interests of our island-wide community. We hope that you will, too.


Bainbridge Island