It was an offer most of the Bainbridge Island City Council couldn’t refuse.
“Sign, sign everywhere a sign,
They’re happy with HAP.
A recall against four Bainbridge Island Metro Parks & Recreation commissioners was filed May 1 with the Kitsap County auditor’s…
An updated design for the skatepark at Strawberry Hill Park was approved by Bainbridge Island Metro Parks &Recreation commissioners at…
Since a Racial Equity Advisory Committee member won’t be on a Bainbridge Island steering committee after all, two members came…
Parents are seeking advice from professionals more than ever as pressures mount on high schoolers and younger youth.
Do you ever feel like you need a safe space?
A device that weighs as much as six orca whales is being tested on the Hood Canal Bridge, which blocks…
We’re pretty healthy here in Kitsap County.
Even though a decision had been made to have three Bainbridge Island City Council and three planning commission members on…
Haste makes waste took on a new meaning at the April 18 Bainbridge Island City Council meeting.
The big item on the Bainbridge Island City Council agenda April 25 is the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications.