Less is more on the city’s Suzuki property | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

If we treated the earth as if we were the deer, coyote, owl or salamander we would choose to leave alone a small woods, forest or pastureland. We would want to remain the source of our food, water and shelter. We would recognize the importance of leaving this small ecosystem as it is.

We would appreciate these environments, the equivalent of our modern day sources of grocery stores, gas stations, and housing; and we would protest their disappearance.

If the deer, coyote, owl or salamander had a voice they would ask us to allow them their home. Instead with no voice they enter into our gardens nibbling on our heirloom roses, munching our greens, dispatching our rodents and making away with our pets.

All they need, and want, is a bite, to slake their thirst, to settle in a safe shelter.

This is my plea to honor those that call the Suzuki property home, to keep the development small and affordable, make available enough for all in need.

Since we have crowned ourselves the title of top species, the true predator and Commanders in Chief of a scorched earth policy, we can’t cry to global warming and not hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make. Less is more as we move forward.

Am I against affordable housing? Heck no, I am all for it, and for putting some truth to those words in action rather than paying it lip service and lining the pockets of developers.


Rolling Bay