Ross A. Olsen

Oct. 27, 2018

Ross A. Olsen, the 4th generation Islander, died from natural causes on October 27th. Born with Cerebral Palsy, and confined to a wheelchair for much of his life, Ross lived a full and active life. With a positive attitude and commitment to “Old Island Ways”, he brought a traditional viewpoint, mixed with a bright optimism to everything he did. Serving the public as Manager of B. I. Transfer Station for 27 years, taking tickets at the B. I. Cinemas, or volunteering at our library he always had a smile and warm regards. He often expressed deep gratitude for the privilege of living many years past doctors’ predictions and several near-death experiences, not the least of which, was his being run over by a pickup trunk on Winslow Way. Ross always helped others, was looking for opportunities to contribute to our community and was a stand for what he felt was right and good for the island.