“The community pathway can still use a few more bricks. But there’s some other work to be done in the meantime. We checked in last week with Marge Williams Center board members Kate Carruthers and Wendy Johnson, who reminded us of the final (?) round of work parties slated at the center this week. Volunteers are asked to drop in from 5-9 p.m. July 25-26, to take care of the odd and ends – painting, trim work, what have you – left to be completed at the center on Winslow Way.We need some enthusiastic folks to come push us over the line, Wendy told us, with the millions of small things that are left to be completed.The center, named for longtime community leader Marge Williams and a permanent home for island non-profit agencies, got up and running earlier this year with a bang-up dedication. This Friday, the center will host a dinner celebration for volunteers (whether you turn out for the work party or not), slated for 6 p.m. July 27. The center will provide utensils and desserts; you should bring an entree dish to share.More good news: The decorative rose bricks that line the walk to the building are sold out. The smaller pavers from which the path itself are built can still be ordered through the end of this month; then the program goes on hiatus until next year. The goal is to have new bricks installed every Memorial Day.I think the primary reason is the nature of the memorial itself, Wendy told us. So many of the bricks have had messages to Marge or about Marge. But the community path represents other memories as well. There’s very personal messages on there, and we thought Memorial Day would be an appropriate time to honor those memories.So put on your work clothes and come lend or hand – or just show up for the food. Call 842-5666 for information.Dirty politicsIn Wednesday’s rundown of local offices opening up this fall, we overlooked one seat on the three-person board of commissioners for Kitsap County Sewer District No. 7.To file, you must be a resident of the district – roughly defined by the Fort Ward neighborhood. The board meets once a month; commissioners plan capital spending, and work with state regulatory agencies and local government on south-end sewer service. It’s a volunteer position – sorry, no pay – but you’ll learn a lot of jokes about you-know-what.As with other positions, you must file at the Kitsap County Courthouse by 4:30 p.m. Friday. Information: 842-2061, “
Still a few steps to go on the path
"The community pathway can still use a few more bricks. But there's some other work to be done in the meantime. We checked in last week with Marge Williams Center board members Kate Carruthers and Wendy Johnson, who reminded us of the final (?) round of work parties slated at the center this week. Volunteers are asked to drop in from 5-9 p.m. July 25-26, to take care of the odd and ends - painting, trim work, what have you - left to be completed at the center on Winslow Way. "