“Frogs, backpacks and the Seattle skyline – they’re just a few of the logos embroidered on quilt aptly named A Lot of Things About Bainbridge. The Island Quilters had to brainstorm to come up with so many different ideas, designer Linda Johnston said of the king-size quilt now up for raffle.Johnston’s favorite island image is the slug, although she knows a lot of people prefer the dog sleeping in the middle of the road. Fellow quilter Pat Reynolds stressed that the diversity of the group is reflected in their work. Every possible sewing technique was used to assemble the quilt’s 100 different blocks, she said.Island Quilters are part of the Welcome Wagon Club, a friendship group promoting social activity throughout Bainbridge.Welcome Wagon buys the quilt background and donates the money raised through the sale of raffle tickets to island charities selected by committee. Now in their 25th year, they anticipate raising up to $5,000. As ever, the Welcome Wagon Club hope that someone from the island will win the quilt and donate it to a public building. Tickets for the Welcome Wagon 2000 Quilt – $5 each – are now on sale at Safeway, Town and Country, and other locations to be announced. The winner will be announced on the 4th of July.”
Quilt raffle sewn up
"Frogs, backpacks and the Seattle skyline - they're just a few of the logos embroidered on quilt aptly named A Lot of Things About Bainbridge. The Island Quilters had to brainstorm to come up with so many different ideas, designer Linda Johnston said of the king-size quilt now up for raffle.Johnston's favorite island image is the slug, although she knows a lot of people prefer the dog sleeping in the middle of the road. Fellow quilter Pat Reynolds stressed that the diversity of the group is reflected in their work. Every possible sewing technique was used to assemble the quilt's 100 different blocks, she said."