Kitsap Weekly preview | The Bainbridge Blab

Pick up Friday’s edition of the Bainbridge Island Review for your copy of Kitsap Weekly for the week of Nov. 3-9.

On the cover: “Sailing Away.” Nick Twietmeyer recounts life at sea aboard the Carina.

“Bookends” and Suzanne O’Clair offers a few tips about welcoming visitors during the holiday season.

Quinn Ward is back with “Age is just a number — unless you are 10” in this week’s “Kid Wisdom.”

Suzanne O’Clair is looking up in “Stars Above Kitsap.” This week: “About hobgoblins and the forest of our childhoods.”

“Kitsap Birding” with Gene Bullock profiles Harriet Hemenway — someone who did not want a feather in her cap.

NW Wines discovers Oregon’s go-to white wine.

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