BI to see Eagle Harbor nonmotorized project

The Bainbridge Island City Council is having its first meeting of the new year Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. at City Hall and on Zoom.

The council will hear a presentation on the Eagle Harbor Drive-Wyatt Way non-motorized improvement project. It will accept a federal grant of $777,000, after receiving a similar grant last year for $735,000. They want to delay the grants to revise the project scope and cost.

On Eagle Harbor, there would be 5 feet of paved shoulders on both sides of the road. On Wyatt Way, there would be a 6-8 foot vertically separated path uphill, along with widened paved shoulder downhill and intersection safety improvements. Between the two roads, there would be 4-5 foot paved shoulders.

The council plans to set a public open house on the project Jan. 25 from 6-7:30 p.m.

Since it’s the first meeting of 2023, the council will elect a new mayor and deputy mayor.

Under the consent agenda, city code will be revised to allow an increase in water and sewer rates. Also, the city looks to spend almost $95,000 for an electrification analysis of the city’s fleet. And it plans to authorize a call for artists for public art for the police-court facility.

Also, it’s planning for funding to complete the Groundwater Management Plan, hear an update on Island Center planning, and confirm appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission, Design Review Board and Race Equity Advisory Committee.

It plans to pass proclamations recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and affirming the rights of Southern Resident Orcas.