BI parks chooses new leaders for 2023

Commissioner Jay Kinney was elected board chair at the first Bainbridge Island Metro Parks & Recreation District meeting of the year.

Ken Swolgaard was elected vice-chair, Tom Goodlin secretary, Dawn Janow treasurer and Ken DeWitt member at large.

Park Services Division director Dan Hamlin said BI Little League has asked if it can put up permanent fences at Hidden Cove Ballfields. Staff has reached out to the BI Football Club to make sure that would not be a problem for them.

Recreation superintendent Bryan Garoutte said staff is working on a new Court Reserve system for the BI Recreation Center. And the youth basketball league has 83 teams.

Recreation Division director Mark Benishek said winter/spring registration is underway, and work on the summer recreation catalog will start soon. Benishek said there is no plan to eliminate the hard copy of the catalog, but staff is looking at ways to make the electronic version more interactive.

Senior planner Perry Barrett said the SEPA public comment period continues for Williams-Olson Park. There is also a SEPA comment period for the sail float replacement project.

Executive director Terry Lande said that Executive Services manager Helen Stone is spending a lot of time working on public records requests. A part-time employee has been hired to help.

And the only public comment was made by Loanne Harmeling, who spoke in support of additional outdoor tennis courts on BI.