Speak up to support the Green New Deal | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

Last week, Democrats in Congress introduced a joint resolution called the Green New Deal inspired by President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal that dramatically and successfully responded to the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Today’s Green New Deal responds to the real economic and environmental crises facing our country now. It sets short and long range goals and aspirations.

Provisions of the Green New Deal, or GND, include steps to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and the fossil fuel economy.

The GND will encourage renewable energy and start a public jobs program to generate jobs in the green economy for all Americans. Everyone won’t agree to every provision in the Green New Deal, but the time is long past due on taking major steps to protect the climate. Climate change is the real emergency, and now is the time to act!

I encourage everyone to learn about the GND, have conversations about which provisions make sense, and encourage our members of Congress to get involved. Visit the Sunrise Movement at www.sunrisemovement.org to learn about the GND and how you can get involved.

Indivisible Bainbridge Island supports the Green New Deal and is working to encourage Senators Murray and Cantwell and Representative Kilmer to support the resolution.

Time is short to limit the effects of climate change! You can find out about information sessions about the Green New Deal at http://www.indivisiblebainbridgeisland.org or www.facebook.com/IndivisibleBI.


Indivisible Bainbridge Member
